Startup Plan


Starting Business

Credit Repair Services

Initial Credit Consultation: Comprehensive analysis of your current credit status.

Personalized Credit Repair Plan: Tailored strategies to improve your credit score.

Dispute Process: Assistance with disputing inaccuracies on credit reports from all three major bureaus.

Credit Report Monitoring: Monthly monitoring and updates on credit report changes.

Debt Validation: Requesting validation from creditors to ensure debts are legitimate.

Cease and Desist Letters: Sending letters to collection agencies to stop harassment.

Tradeline Services

Basic Tradeline Access: Securing entry-level tradelines to establish a positive credit history.

Authorized User Tradelines: Adding you as an authorized user to existing accounts to boost credit score.

Credit Education Resources: Access to educational materials to better understand credit management.

Business Plan


for any Business

Credit Repair Services

Advanced Credit Consultation: In-depth credit analysis and strategy session with a senior credit analyst.

Enhanced Dispute Process: Aggressive and comprehensive dispute tactics across all three credit bureaus.

Personal Account Manager: Dedicated account manager for personalized support and progress tracking.

Monthly Progress Reports: Detailed reports on credit repair progress and score improvements.

Debt Settlement Assistance: Negotiating with creditors to settle debts for less than owed.

Credit Building Tools: Access to tools and resources to help build and maintain a strong credit profile.

Premium Tradeline Access: Securing higher-limit tradelines to significantly improve credit standing.

Business Tradelines: Assistance in securing tradelines specifically for business credit enhancement.

Faster Posting Tradelines: Expedited process to ensure tradelines post quickly to credit reports.

Credit Coaching Sessions: Monthly one-on-one sessions with a credit coach to guide you through credit improvement.

Platinum Plan


Higher Business

Credit Repair Services

Elite Credit Consultation: Comprehensive credit analysis with a senior credit expert, including personalized strategies for rapid improvement.

Unlimited Dispute Process: Unlimited disputes across all credit bureaus until the desired credit score is achieved.

VIP Account Manager: Exclusive access to a VIP account manager for 24/7 support and assistance.

Weekly Progress Updates: Weekly updates on credit repair progress, including detailed reports.

Legal Assistance: Access to legal professionals for advanced credit repair strategies and debt settlements.

Identity Theft Protection: Comprehensive protection against identity theft and fraudulent activities.

Exclusive Tradeline Access: Securing top-tier tradelines with high limits and long histories for maximum impact.

Custom Tradeline Packages: Tailored tradeline packages to meet specific credit goals and needs.

Rapid Tradeline Posting: Priority service to ensure tradelines post within the shortest possible time frame.

Lifetime Credit Monitoring: Ongoing credit monitoring and support to maintain a high credit score.

Unlimited Credit Coaching: Unlimited access to credit coaching sessions for continuous credit management and improvement.